Broadcasted on: Wednesday, 29th of November 2023 at 17:00 UTC
Planning Committee
Broadcasted on: Wednesday, 29th of November 2023 at 17:00 UTC
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To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 25 October 2023 as a correct record.
Planning Application - DC/22/67240 - Land Formerly Wednesbury Motors, 110 Holyhead Road, Wednesbury
Proposed demolition of former van and car sales garage, and construction of 30 No. two-bedroom apartments (outline application for layout).
Planning Application - DC/23/67863 - Land West Of Bridge Street North, Smethwick, B66 2BJ
Proposed change of use from general industrial to treatment, remediation and recovery facility for contaminated soils, construction, demolition and excavation of waste with 1 No. soil treatment shed and 4 No. office/meeting rooms, 1 No. mess drying room, toilet block, store, weighbridge unit, picking station, decontamination unit, clean material area and 2 No. holding tanks and covered post treatment areas, oversized processing area, parking and the creation of a new vehicular access - Temporary planning permission for 5 years.
Planning Application - DC/23/68288 - 38 High Street, Cradley Heath, B64 5HL
Proposed part change of use of ground floor and conversion of first/second floors with single storey rear extension to create 2 No. self-contained apartments, rear loft dormer window, new shop front, landscaping and parking to rear.
Planning Application - DC/23/68367 - 57 Valentine Road, Oldbury, B68 9AH
Proposed two storey side and single storey front/side/rear extensions.
Planning Application - DC/23/68420 - Site Of Former 3 And 4 Cardale Street, Rowley Regis
Proposed 11 No. houses and 9 No. self-contained apartments with car parking, enclosed bin store, cycle store and landscaping.
Planning Application - DC/23/68497 - 10 Jowetts Lane, West Bromwich, B71 2RA
Retention of replacement boundary treatment, removal of external rear wall, single storey rear extension, and raising of existing roof height.
Planning Application - DC/23/68518 - Locarno Works, Locarno Road, Tipton, DY4 9AF
Retention of light industrial and storage use, vehicular access, car and vehicle parking, lighting and CCTV.
Planning Application - DC/23/68524 - 51 Green Street, West Bromwich, B70 6DL
Demolition of existing buildings, and proposed 11-storey building comprising up to 60 no. residential apartments, with associated landscaping, cycle parking, car parking and access from Green Street (Outline application for access).
Planning Application - DC/23/68559 - Gateway Service Station, 76 Birmingham Road, Great Barr, Birmingham, B43 6NT
Proposed variation of condition 12 of DC/13/56229 (Proposed variation of condition 12 of DC/31470 to extend opening hours from 07:00 to 23:00 on any day to 05:00 to midnight Monday to Saturday and 7.00 to 23.00 on Sundays and Bank Holidays) to extend opening hours to 24 hours any day.
Planning Application - DC/23/68578 - 180 Walsall Road, West Bromwich, B71 3LH
Retention of outbuilding at rear for garden room, storage and gym.
Planning Application - DC/23/68624 - Land At Corner Of Cleton Street And Sedgley Road East/Tipton Road, Tipton, DY4 7TR
Proposed 2 No. detached light industrial units with new access, parking, landscaping and new retaining wall with railings to rear.
Planning Application - DC/23/68690 - Travellers Transit Site, Wellington Street, Smethwick
Proposed renewal of temporary traveller site (planning permission DC/17/60410 and DC/20/63956) for up to 34 caravans, together with associated toilet/washroom facilities and boundary fencing (three year permission requested).
Planning Application - PD/23/02530 - Telecommunication Mast 1694, Haden Park Road, Cradley Heath
Proposed replacement of existing lattice tower with an 25.0m high swann CS5S lattice tower with 12 No. antennas, 2 No. GPS modules, 4 No. 300 dishes, 2 No. cabinets, 2 No. racks, 2 No. future racks and associated ancillary works.
Planning Delegations Agreement
Proposed Site Visits
To consider and note the planning applications to be visited by the Committee on 10 January 2024.
Decisions of the Planning Inspectorate
To consider and note the Decisions of the Planning Inspectorate.
Applications Determined Under Delegated Powers
To consider and note the Applications Determined Under Delegated Powers.
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Apologies for Absence
Declarations of Interest
Minutes 25 October 2023
Planning Application - DC-22-67240
Planning Application - DC-23-67863
Planning Application - DC-23-68288
Planning Application - DC-23-68367
Planning Application - DC-23-68420
Planning Application - DC-23-68497
Planning Application - DC-23-68518
Planning Application - DC-23-68524
Planning Application - DC-23-68559
Planning Application - DC-23-68578
Planning Application - DC-23-68624
Planning Application - DC-23-68690
Planning Application - PD-22-02530
Planning Delegations Agreement
Proposed Site Visits
Decisions of the Planning Inspectorate
Applications Determined Under Delegated Powers
AGENDA - Amendements
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