Broadcasted on: Wednesday, 7th of June 2023 at 18:00 UTC
Broadcasted on: Wednesday, 7th of June 2023 at 18:00 UTC
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Minutes of Previous Meeting
8 Cabinet Member Response to Cabinet Adviser Report on Diversity and Schools
9 Cabinet Member Report in Response to the Cabinet Adviser Report on the Estates Mission
10 Response to the Report of the Cabinet Adviser on Promoting Green Space and Biodiversity
10a Appendix One Cabinet Advisor Report on Green Space and Biodiverity
10b Appendix Two Your Community & Camden’s Green Spaces
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Cllr. Meric Apak
Cllr. Danny Beales
Cllr. Marcus Boyland
Cllr. Patricia Callaghan
Deputy Chief Executive
Anoushka Clayton-Walshe
Executive Director Corporate Services
Cllr. Nina De Ayala Parker
Chief Executive
Cllr. Sabrina Francis
Cllr. Georgia Gould
Cllr. Eddie Hanson
Cllr. Adam Harrison
Oliver Jones
Hanad Mohamed
Cllr. Richard Olszewski
Committee Services Manager
Cllr. Nadia Shah
Borough Solicitor
Executive Director Supporting Communities
Cllr. Nanouche Umeadi
Cllr. Anna Wright
Cllr. Meric Apak
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This member spoke at the following times
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Cllr. Danny Beales
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This member spoke at the following times
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Cllr. Marcus Boyland
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Recent meetings:
Cllr. Patricia Callaghan
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Deputy Chief Executive
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Recent meetings:
Anoushka Clayton-Walshe
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Recent meetings:
Executive Director Corporate Services
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Recent meetings:
Cllr. Nina De Ayala Parker
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This member spoke at the following times
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Chief Executive
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Cllr. Sabrina Francis
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This member spoke at the following times
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Cllr. Georgia Gould
No information available for this person
This member spoke at the following times
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Recent meetings:
Cllr. Eddie Hanson
No information available for this person
This member spoke at the following times
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Recent meetings:
Cllr. Adam Harrison
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This member spoke at the following times
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Oliver Jones
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Hanad Mohamed
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Cllr. Richard Olszewski
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This member spoke at the following times
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Committee Services Manager
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Cllr. Nadia Shah
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This member spoke at the following times
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Borough Solicitor
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Executive Director Supporting Communities
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Cllr. Nanouche Umeadi
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This member spoke at the following times
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Cllr. Anna Wright
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