Broadcasted on: Wednesday, 11th of December 2024 at 10:00 UTC
Planning Committee
Broadcasted on: Wednesday, 11th of December 2024 at 10:00 UTC
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Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Speed and Quality Report
Quality of Major Applications Report
S62A Applications Report
UTT/24/1333/FUL - Land North of M11 Business Link, Parsonage Lane, STANSTED
To consider application UTT/24/1333/FUL.
6. UTT-24-1333-FUL - Land North Of M11 Business Link Parsonage Lane Stansted
UTT/24/1198/OP - Land to the South of Smiths Green, Dunmow Road, TAKELEY (WITHDRAWN)
UTT/24/1141/FUL - Land Adj. Grind Hall, Wood End Green, HENHAM
UTT/24/2673/FUL - Buildings to the Rear Of Mulberry House, Wenden Road, ARKESDEN
To consider application UTT/24/2673/FUL.
9. UTT-24-2673-FUL - Buildings To The Rear Of Mulberry House Wenden Road Arkesden
UTT/24/2509/FUL - North of Laburnham View, High Street, ELMDON
To consider application UTT/24/2509/FUL.
10. UTT-24-2509-FUL - North Of Laburnham View High Street Elmdon
UTT/24/1370/FUL - The Hop Poles, Bedlars Green, GREAT HALLINGBURY
To consider application UTT/24/1370/FUL.
11. UTT-24-1370-FUL - The Hop Poles Bedlars Green Great Hallingbury
UTT/24/1371/LB - The Hop Poles, Bedlars Green, GREAT HALLINGBURY
To consider application UTT/24/1371/LB.
12. UTT-24-1371-LB - The Hop Poles Bedlars Green Great Hallingbury
UTT/24/2359/FUL - Land to the East of May Walk, Elsenham Road, STANSTED
To consider UTT/24/2359/FUL.
13. UTT-24-2359-FUL - Land To The East Of May Walk Elsenham Road Stansted
Addendum List
This document contains late submissions, updates or addendums to existing agenda items which have been received up to and including the end of business on the Friday before Planning Committee. The Addendum List is usually circulated on the Monday prior to Planning Committee, except when there is a Bank Holiday. This is a public document, and it is published with the agenda papers on the UDC website.
Exclusion of public and press
To exclude the public and press due to consideration of a report containing exempt information within the meaning of section 100l and paragraphs 3 and 5 part 1 Schedule 12A Local Government Act 1972.
UTT/24/0741/FUL - Land Known as 7 Acres Warish Hall Farm, Parsonage Road, TAKELEY
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Minutes of Previous Meeting
3. Speed and Quality
4. Application Designation Data
5. S62A applications to PINs
6. UTT-24-1333-FUL - Land North Of M11 Business Link Parsonage Lane Stansted
7. UTT-24-1198-OP - Land To The South of Smiths Green
8. UTT.24.1141.FUL PC FINAL
9. UTT-24-2673-FUL - Buildings To The Rear Of Mulberry House Wenden Road Arkesden
10. UTT-24-2509-FUL - North Of Laburnham View High Street Elmdon
11. UTT-24-1370-FUL - The Hop Poles Bedlars Green Great Hallingbury
12. UTT-24-1371-LB - The Hop Poles Bedlars Green Great Hallingbury
13. UTT-24-2359-FUL - Land To The East Of May Walk Elsenham Road Stansted
Addendum List 11.12.24
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