Broadcasted on: Tuesday, 10th of December 2024 at 18:00 UTC
Broadcasted on: Tuesday, 10th of December 2024 at 18:00 UTC
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Agenda not available for this meeting.
Apologies for Absence
Declarations of Interest
Members to declare any interests in matters to be discussed at the meeting.
To confirm, as a correct record, the minutes of the Ordinary and Extraordinary meetings held on 29 October 2024.
To receive announcements from the Chief Executive and the Mayor.
Written Questions
To consider written questions in accordance with Standing Order No. 9 of the Council Procedure Rules, from -
1. Elected Members
2. Members of the Public
Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025-2026
To consider the Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2025-2026.
06 - Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025-2026
06a - Appendix 1 - Consultation Anlysis
06b - Appendix 2 - Equality Impact Assessment
06c - Appendix 3 - Draft Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme Policy 2025-2026
Council Tax Base 2025-2026
The Review of Council Housing Rents and Housing Related Property Charges
To consider the adjustment of council rents and housing related charges to take effect from 7 April 2025.
08 - Review of Council Tenant Rent and Housing Related Property Charges
08a - Appendix 1 - Impact of rental Increase on weekly rents_FINAL
08b - Appendix 2 - Impact of Rental Increase for Customers On Partial benefits_FINAL
08c - Appendix 3 - Service Charges - Income and Weekly Charges
Proposed departure from the development plan at Merridale Polishing and Plating Company Limited, Unit 2, Friar Street, Wednesbury
To consider a proposed departure from the development plan.
Notices of Motion
To consider the following motions received under Standing Order No. 12:-
Motion - Fireworks in the Public Realm - by the Leader of the Council.
To consider the terms of the following Motion, submitted by the Leader of the Council:
“Council believes that everyone has the right to enjoy fireworks and that displays are commonplace throughout Sandwell (and UK) and are a focal point for celebrations traditionally and culturally, however not everyone enjoys the noise of fireworks.
Council welcomes feedback received on the decision to arrange an alternative event of the Fire Garden in Sandwell Valley rather than a traditional fireworks display.
Council note that fireworks can be distressing to people who are elderly, frail or neurodivergent as well as being terrifying for pets, wildlife, and birds. Debris can also be a potential problem for all wildlife including horses.
Council further notes that there is an availability of quieter or noiseless fireworks which creates a more peaceful environment that can be enjoyed by all.
Council resolves to:
1. Call on the Leader and Cabinet to further prohibit firework displays on land in the public realm within the boundaries of the local authority.
2. Call on all Councillors to work collectively to raise public awareness about the impact of fireworks on vulnerable people and animal welfare through social media channels.
3. Call on the Leader and Cabinet to investigate how the council can work with and offer guidance to the public who hold private displays on using low noise fireworks or other alternatives.
4. Call on the Leader and Cabinet to explore options to encourage local suppliers of fireworks to stock quieter fireworks for members of the public to purchase and display.
5. Call on the Leader and Cabinet to write to Government setting out the terms of this Motion and asking them to review legislation relating to the sale of fireworks with a view to bringing forward proposals as a minimum to limit noise from fireworks to a maximum noise level of 90 decibels.”
Motion - Sandwell Council affirming commitments to ending violence against women and girls - by Councillor Pall
To consider the terms of the following Motion, submitted by Councillor Pall:
“Council recognises the International Day of Ending Violence against Women and Girls is a key annual event. Ending all forms of violence and abuse of women and children is crucial for society - across Sandwell, the UK and beyond especially for marginalised and oppressed communities across the world, most particularly women.
Council acknowledges that the International Day of Ending Violence against Women and Girls comes as a direct result of the women’s rights movement that has stood for the rights of women for centuries.
Council welcomes the numerous achievements over many years that have significantly impacted society, legislation, and culture in the cause of securing equal rights and ending violence against women and girls, including:
• Fighting for and securing women's suffrage, granting women the right to vote and participate in political processes. This led to increased representation of women in government and decision-making bodies worldwide. In the UK only around 20% of council leaders are female and we can be proud of having one of those minority women leaders right here in this authority.
• Challenging traditional gender roles and stereotypes, fostering cultural shifts towards greater gender equality and inclusivity. This includes promoting positive representations of women in media, challenging sexist attitudes, behaviours, and language, and advocating for diverse and inclusive spaces for women in society.
Council recognises there remains more work ahead to achieve true equality and to eliminate all forms of abuse. The Sandwell Domestic Abuse Strategy reports that there were 10,008 incidents of domestic abuse reported to West Midlands Police in 2020/21 This represents an increase of 27.3% compared with the 7,860 incidents reported in 2019/20. It is important to also remember that only a small proportion of abuse is actually reported to the Police – it’s essential that the Council and its partners continues to focus on tackling this key issue.
Council therefore resolves to:
1. Call on all Councillors to wear their white ribbon to show their commitment in ending violence against women and girls.
2. Incorporate domestic abuse or gender-based abuse training into the Member Development Programme offered to all members to help them to deal with any cases that they may come across and also understand and identify red flags in families that approach them for help.
3. Reaffirm its commitment to lead by example in fostering a culture of respect, equality, and zero tolerance towards gender-based violence, with clear behavioural expectations across the organisation, amongst its staff, officers, members and our partnerships.
4. Reaffirm its commitment to ending gender-based violence and creating a safer, more inclusive community for all residents, particularly women who have been disproportionately affected by such violence, and to continuing to work closely with partners to achieve this.
5. Review and strengthen existing policies and procedures to effectively prevent, and respond to, and address gender-based violence within the council which also looks to support members should they report concerns.
6. Assign responsibility to the Council's Equality and Diversity Group to oversee the implementation and monitoring of these actions, ensuring accountability and progress towards the elimination of gender-based violence.”
Motion - Supporting sustainable local bus services - by Councillor William Gill
To consider the terms of the following Motion, submitted by Councillor William Gill:
“Council notes with concern that several scheduled changes to bus routes will take place in January 2025 with a risk of losing some of our key local services across Sandwell, including the Number 30 and the Number 74a bus routes amongst others and will further impact bus passenger numbers.
Council recognises the importance of bus routes and services for local communities across our borough which provide essential connections for our residents and businesses.
Council further recognises the potential benefits of bus franchising for our communities along with the recent £2 bus fare cap which applied across the region.
Council therefore calls on the Leader and Cabinet to write to the Mayor of the West Midlands setting out the terms of this Motion and calling for the £2 bus fare cap to be retained across all West Midlands bus services.”
Motion - Towns First for Social Value in Procurement Policy - by Councillor Jeffcoat
To consider the terms of the following Motion, submitted by Councillor Jeffcoat:
“Council welcomes ambitions within Sandwell Vision 2030 that draw on the distinctiveness of the six towns which make up our borough, with clear aims to make our towns more vibrant, focussing on their individual strengths, heritage and communities and making our borough an attractive place with successful centres of community life, leisure, and entertainment where people increasingly choose to bring up their families.
Council further welcomes progress towards the development and implementation of new neighbourhood arrangements across Sandwell and endorses the approach of exploring opportunities for further decisions to be made at a local level across our towns.
Council notes that our procurement policy already considers the social value of a project, as required by law, by considering how the services we commission and procure can improve the economic, social, and environmental wellbeing of an area.
Council believes that implementation of new neighbourhood arrangements offers opportunity to our communities through all we do, including how social value benefits generated through our procurement are felt across our towns.
Council therefore calls on the Leader and Cabinet to explore opportunities, where practicable and in accordance with legislative requirements subject to meeting statutory best value obligations, to ensure at social value benefits are applied both at town as well as borough-wide level.”
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01 - Apologies for Absence
02 - Declarations of Interest
03 - Minutes of Council
03 - Minutes of Extraordinary Council
05 - Written Questions
05 - Written Questions
06 - Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025-2026
06a - Appendix 1 - Consultation Anlysis
06b - Appendix 2 - Equality Impact Assessment
06c - Appendix 3 - Draft Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme Policy 2025-2026
07 - Council Tax Base 2025-26
08 - Review of Council Tenant Rent and Housing Related Property Charges
08a - Appendix 1 - Impact of rental Increase on weekly rents_FINAL
08b - Appendix 2 - Impact of Rental Increase for Customers On Partial benefits_FINAL
08c - Appendix 3 - Service Charges - Income and Weekly Charges
08d - Appendix 4 - Impact of Rental Increase on Budgets
08e - Appendix 5 - EqIA
09 - Proposed departure from the Development Plan
Proposed Amendment - Motion 10c
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