Broadcasted on: Tuesday, 12th of December 2023 at 18:00 UTC
Broadcasted on: Tuesday, 12th of December 2023 at 18:00 UTC
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Agenda not available for this meeting.
Apologies for Absence
Declarations of Interest
Members to declare any interests in matters to be discussed at the meeting.
To confirm the minutes of the extraordinary and ordinary meetings of Council held on 24 October as a correct record.
03a - Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting of Council 24 October 2023
Urgent Business
Written Questions
To consider written questions under Standing Order No. 9 from
(a) Elected Members
(b) Members of the Public
(i) the Mayor;
(ii) the Leader of the Council;
(iii) any other member of the Cabinet;
(iv) any person appointed to preside at a committee, sub-committee or panel;
(v) the members of the Council nominated pursuant to Section 41 of the Local Government Act 1985, on the discharge of the functions of the following Joint Authorities: -
(i) West Midlands Combined Authority (the Leader);
(ii) West Midlands Fire and Rescue Authority (Councillor Jalil);
(iii) Transport for the West Midlands (Councillor Choudhry);
(vi) a member of the Council who is, as a result of action taken by or on behalf of the Council, a member or director of any company.
Designation of Interim Statutory Chief Officer
To confirm the designation of the Section 151 Officer/Chief Finance Officer.
Sandwell Council Improvement Plan
To consider the latest update on the Improvement Plan and submission to the Secretary of State.
09 - Sandwell Council Improvement Plan
09a - Appendix 1 Improvement Plan
Code of Corporate Governance
Consideration of Special Responsibility Allowance for Shadow Cabinet Members
To consider special responsibility allowance for Shadow Cabinet Members.
Proposed Departure from the Development Plan at West Midlands Foundry Co Limited, Blakemore Road, West Bromwich
To consider a proposed departure from the local development plan in relation to Planning Application DC/23/68467.
12 - Proposed departure from local development plan - Blakemore Road, West Bromwich dc-23-68467
Proposed departure from the Development Plan at Locarno Works, Locarno Road, Tipton
To consider a proposed departure from the local development plan in relation to Planning Application DC/23/68518.
13 - Proposed departure from local development plan at Locarno Road, Tipton dc-23-68518
Proposed departure from the Development Plan at Tata Cargo Ltd, Rigby Street, Wednesbury
To consider a proposed departure from the local development plan in relation to Planning Application DC/22/67520.
14 - Proposed Departure from local development plan - Rigby Street, Wednesbury
Proposed departure from the Development Plan at land at corner of Cleton Street and Sedgley Road East/Tipton Road, Tipton
To consider a proposed departure from the local development plan in relation to Planning Application DC/23/68624.
15 - Proposed departure from local development plan at cleton street
Planning Delegations Agreement
Political Balance of Committees and Boards
To consider the political balance for the reminder of the 2023-24 municipal year.
17 - Constitution and Political Balance and Appointment to Committees
Revisions to Committees, Boards and Other Bodies
To consider revisions to the appointments of Committees, Boards, and other bodies.
To receive the minutes of the Cabinet
(a) Medium Term Financial Strategy – Autumn 2023;
(b) Council Tax Base 2024/25;
(c) Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2024/25;
(d) The review of council tenant rents and housing related property charges;
(e) 10 Year Business Rates Retention Agreement.
19a - Cabinet Minutes - 18 October 2023
19b - Cabinet Minutes - 15 November 2023
19c - 00 - Cabinet Recommendations to Council
19c - 01 - Medium-Term Financial Strategy – Autumn 2023 Update
19c - 02 - Council Tax Base 2024-2025
19c - 03 - Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2024-2025
19c - 03a - Appendix - Council Tax Reduction Scheme
19c - 04 - Review of Council Tenant Rents and Housing Related Property Charges Report
19c - 05 - 10 Year Business Rates Retention Agreement - Report
To receive minutes of the Budget and Corporate Scrutiny Management Board
To receive the minutes of the General Purposes and Arbitration Committee
To receive the minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes and Arbitration Committee held on 4 December 2023 and consider the recommendations arising in relation to:-
(a) Statutory Polling District and Polling Place Review 2023.
21 - Minutes of the General Purposes and Arbitration Committee 04122023
To receive the minutes of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee
To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee held on 21 September 2023.
22 - Minutes of Audit and Risk Assurance Committee 21 September 2023
To receive the minutes of the Ethical Standards and Member Development Committee
To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Ethical Standards and Member Development Committee held on 7 November 2023.
23 - Minutes of Ethical Standards and Member Development Committee 07112023
Notices of Motion
Modern Slavery
Proposer: Councillor Dunn
Seconder: Councillor Trumpeter
Council recognises progress made across the West Midlands to eradicate modern slavery but acknowledges that there is an estimated 4197 survivors of Modern Slavery in the Combined Authority area.
Council further acknowledges and reaffirms the importance of vigilance for all Sandwell Council employees and elected members when dealing with supplier contracts with high-risk sectors being construction, agriculture, hospitality, and care.
Council therefore reaffirms its duty to ensure Sandwell is Slavery Free and, recognising the importance of partnership work in the fight against Modern Slavery, resolves to –
1. Request the Leader and Cabinet develop a deliverable ‘Slavery Free Sandwell Strategy Plan’ with achievable goals which will enable regular assessment of progress and scrutiny of areas which may requirement improvement.
2. Request the Chief Executive convene a West Midlands Anti-Slavery Summit - inviting all of the local authorities in the Combined Authority region, the Mayor of the West Midlands, the Police and Crime Commissioner, and our region’s Members of Parliament, as well as relevant charitable organisations like the Black Country Women’s Aid where partners can share best practices as well as improve collaboration among regional partners.
3. Continue to engage all stakeholders, including employees, contracted partners and elected members through regular awareness campaigns and reports on our Modern Slavery strategy being delivered to Council regularly and reaffirms the principle of ensuring that all members of this authority are clear in knowing it is our duty to highlight concerns to ensure the Council can fulfil its role as a First Responder Organisation to refer potential victims.
End Violence Against Women and Girls (White Ribbon Day)
Proposer: Councillor W Gill
Seconder: Councillor Fisher
Council acknowledges the concerns of women and girls regarding their safety on public transport particularly whilst engaging in the night-time economy and welcomes the work done by local community organisations to raise awareness of violence against women and girls.
Council notes and welcomes the Protection from Sex-based Harassment in Public Bill 2022-23 which introduces a new offence of causing alarm, distress, or intentional harassment to a person in public because of their sex.
Council therefore resolves to –
1. Request the Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Opposition write a joint cross-party letter to the Mayor of the West Midlands requesting a progress update on the WMCA’s recommendations set out for transport in the Combined Authority’s Violence against Women and Girls Strategy.
2. Call on all male Councillors to take the White Ribbon pledge, never to take part in, condone or stay silent about violence against women.
3. Request the Leader and Cabinet to work towards White Ribbon accreditation, joining the large number of public sector bodies which have already done so, with the Chief Executive as the authorities’ White Ribbon accreditation co-ordinator and for a cross-party working group to be established as our ‘ action plan steering group’ during the accreditation process, with all members of the working group to sign up for the White Ribbon Ambassador program.
Request that Council mark White Ribbon Day on 25 November each year and encourage participation among Councillors, council staff and local primary and secondary schools.
Community Policing
Proposer: Councillor A Williams
Seconder: Councillor Chapman
Council recognises the importance of community-focused policing in towns across Sandwell.
Whilst welcoming the positive news of the retention of Tipton Police Station, Council expresses its strongest concerns in relation to the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC) proposals to dispose of the other stations in the Borough which will have a significant detrimental impact on our communities.
Council welcomes West Midlands Mayor, Andy Street’s pledge to halt the police station closures through the enforcement of a moratorium until a rigorous review can be undertaken.
Council further notes it’s disappointment with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, as the force has been taken into special measures as a result of a failure in senior leadership and failures in key areas including; effective investigations, keeping vulnerable people safe and in managing the risk posed to the public by child abusers and registered sex offenders, which in turn may undermine our resident’s trust in the force.
Council therefore resolves to –
1. Request the Leader of the Council write to the Police and Crime Commissioner, Simon Foster, to call on him to U-turn on his proposed disposal plans to ensure there is a visible deterrent and Police Presence in our communities.
2. Request the Leader of the Council write to the Home Secretary to place on record this Council’s support of the proposal to merge the role of PCC into the Office of the Mayor, in order to save taxpayer money and to ensure there is proper accountability of the force which will help reduce crime rates and ensure people in our area feel safe.
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01 - Apologies for Absence
02 - Declarations of Interest
03a - Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting of Council 24 October 2023
03b - Minutes of Council 24102023
03a - Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting of Council 24 October 2023
04 - Urgent Business
05 - Mayoral Announcements
06 - Petitions
07 - Written Questions
08 - Designation of Interim Statutory Chief Officer
09 - Sandwell Council Improvement Plan
09a - Appendix 1 Improvement Plan
09b - Appendix 2 Improvement Plan
09c - Appendix 3 Secretary of State letter
09a - Appendix 1 Improvement Plan
09b - Appendix 2 Improvement Plan
09c - Appendix 3 Secretary of State letter
09c - Appendix 3 Secretary of State letter
10 - Code of Corporate Governance
10a - Code of Corporate Governance
11 - Shadow Cabinet SRA
11a - Shadow Cabinet Protocol 2023
12 - Proposed departure from local development plan - Blakemore Road, West Bromwich dc-23-68467
12a - Context Plan - Blakemore Road - DC-23-68467
13 - Proposed departure from local development plan at Locarno Road, Tipton dc-23-68518
13a - Context Plan - Locarno Road - DC-23-68518
14 - Proposed Departure from local development plan - Rigby Street, Wednesbury
14a - Appendix - Location Plan - Rigby Street, Wednesbury
15 - Proposed departure from local development plan at cleton street
15a - Location Plan - Cleton Street
16 - Planning Delegations Agreement
17 - Constitution and Political Balance and Appointment to Committees
17a - Appendix - Political balance
18 - Revisions to Appointments to Committees
18 - Revisions to Appointments to Committees - revised
19a - Cabinet Minutes - 18 October 2023
19b - Cabinet Minutes - 15 November 2023
19c - 00 - Cabinet Recommendations to Council
19c - 01 - Medium-Term Financial Strategy – Autumn 2023 Update
19c - 02 - Council Tax Base 2024-2025
19c - 03 - Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2024-2025
19c - 03a - Appendix - Council Tax Reduction Scheme
19c - 04 - Review of Council Tenant Rents and Housing Related Property Charges Report
19c - 05 - 10 Year Business Rates Retention Agreement - Report
20a - Budget and Corporate Scrutiny Management Board Minutes - 28092023
20b - Budget and Corporate Scrutiny Management Board Minutes - 05102023
21 - Minutes of the General Purposes and Arbitration Committee 04122023
22 - Minutes of Audit and Risk Assurance Committee 21 September 2023
23 - Minutes of Ethical Standards and Member Development Committee 07112023
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