Broadcasted on: Tuesday, 7th of June 2022 at 17:00 UTC
Broadcasted on: Tuesday, 7th of June 2022 at 17:00 UTC
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Apologies for Absence
Declarations of Interest
Members to declare any interests in matters to be discussed at the meeting.
Urgent Business
To consider any urgent business (with prior approval by the Mayor).
Mayor's Announcements
Written Questions
To consider written questions under Standing Order No. 6 to:-
(a) the Mayor;
(b) the Leader of the Council;
(c) any other member of the Cabinet;
(d) any person appointed to preside at a committee, sub-committee or panel;
(e) the members of the Council nominated pursuant to Section 41 of the Local Government Act 1985, on the discharge of the functions of the following Joint Authorities:-
(i) West Midlands Combined Authority (the Leader);
(ii) West Midlands Fire and Rescue Authority (Councillor Jalil);
(iii) Transport for the West Midlands (Councillor
(f) a nominated member appointed by the Council to the Board of Sandwell Leisure Trust;
(g) a member of the Council who is, as a result of action taken by or on behalf of the Council, a member or director of any company.
Sandwell Council Improvement Plan
To consider the updated Improvement Plan to address the recommendations from external reviews and proposed reporting mechanisms.
07 - Sandwell Council Improvement Plan
07a - Appendix 1 - Sandwell MBC Governance Review - FINAL 031221
07b - Appendix 2 - CIPFA Financial Management Report January 2022
07c - Appendix 3 - Sandwell LGA Corporate Peer Challenge Report - Final
07d - Appendix 4 - Sandwell Directions 22 March 2022
07e - Appendix 5 - Sandwell Directions Explanatory Memorandum
07f - Appendix 6 - Sandwell Improvement Plan 7 June 2022 Council
Proposed Departures from the Development Plan
Land at West Bromwich Street, Oldbury - DC/21/66339
Ervin Amasteel, George Henry Road, Tipton - DC/21/65853
Minutes of the Governance and Constitution Review Committee
To receive the minutes of the Governance and Constitution Review Committee held on 27 May 2022 and consider the recommendations contained therein.
09 - Minutes of Governance & Constitution Review Committee 27052022
Extension of Appointment of Independent Member for the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee
To consider an extension to the appointment of an Independent Member for the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee.
10 - Extension of Appointment of Independent Member for Audit
Notice of Motions
To consider the following motions received under Standing Order No. 7:-
Environmental Impact of Cable Ties
Proposer: Councillor William Gill
Seconder: Councillor Archer Williams
That this Council reaffirms its commitment to tackling the climate crisis through the recognition of the impact that single use cable ties can have and moves to resolve through the banning of political posters from Council property in order to limit the usage of single use cable ties.
Extend Free Parking Across Sandwell
Proposer: Councillor Trumpeter
Seconder: Councillor Dunn
As we have seen in Wednesbury Town Centre recently, and as we see in our other town centres on the lead up to Christmas, free parking in council owned carparks can be offered by this council with minimal fuss when it suits. Free parking benefits residents, shoppers and our fantastic local businesses in our town centres by ensuring that shoppers spend money in the towns rather than being drawn to out-of-town shopping centres that offer free car parking.
Over 20,000 people backed the Sandwell Conservatives calls for free weekend parking in our borough at the recent elections. Therefore, this council moves to resolve to explore this and invites the executive to consider extending free car parking in all other town centres until October 2022, in line with the recent Wednesbury scheme.
Off Road Motorbikes
Proposer: Councillor Fisher
Seconder: Councillor Chapman
That this council believes that council officers, elected members, neighbourhood policing and local residents do a great job trying to tackle off road motorbikes, but more support is needed. With off road motorbikes being one of the highest reported incidents of anti-social behaviour in Sandwell. The safety of local residents and their pets, are at risk with the nuisance they cause, along with the destruction to our parks and green spaces, this cannot continue. Will the leader of the council agree to write to the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner Simon Foster calling for the re-introduction of a dedicated off-road motorbike team that can focus solely on this issue and give it the attention is deserves.
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01 - Apologies
02 - Declarations of Interest
03 - Urgent Business
Urgent Item - Appointments to other bodies
04 - Mayor's Announcements
05 - Petitions
06 - Written Questions
07 - Sandwell Council Improvement Plan
07a - Appendix 1 - Sandwell MBC Governance Review - FINAL 031221
07b - Appendix 2 - CIPFA Financial Management Report January 2022
07c - Appendix 3 - Sandwell LGA Corporate Peer Challenge Report - Final
07d - Appendix 4 - Sandwell Directions 22 March 2022
07e - Appendix 5 - Sandwell Directions Explanatory Memorandum
07f - Appendix 6 - Sandwell Improvement Plan 7 June 2022 Council
07g - Appendix 7 - Improvement Plan Costs and Funding
08a - Departure from Development Plan - West Bromwich Street
08b - Departure from Development Plan - George Henry Road
09 - Minutes of Governance & Constitution Review Committee 27052022
10 - Extension of Appointment of Independent Member for Audit
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